Autumnal Equinox 2020

George Mason – The Harvest Moon Exhibited 1872. Tate Gallery

The Autumnal Equinox is one of the four Ingress charts at the core of Mundane astrological consideration. Using the Tropical zodiac, they line up to the four Cardinal points that mark the beginning of each season. The Autumn begins in the element of Air.

At this time, the night and day are of equal length in the Northern hemisphere, with the nights beginning to grow longer until they reach the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.

Traditionally in the Celtic world, this is the beginning of the ascendancy of the Holly King and the temporary displacement of the Oak King. Today, the association with the Autumnal Equinox has been largely forgotten, but not the association of the Holly King as he revels at the Winter Solstice. The division of the year in this manner is ancient, finding precedence in the Sumerian record.

Wheel of the Year

The theme of balance, reflected in the equal night and day force presage the better-known Feast of Samhain – the Pagan New Year and the time when the veil between the worlds is said to be at its thinnest. The Autumnal Equinox is also known as Mabon: the celebration of the second of three harvests, preceded by Lammas/Lughnasadh and followed by Samhain. The cycles of this quarter are devoted to harvest and remind us that what we reap is what has been sown. This is the beginning of the time for turning inwards and evaluating on balance what matters most when all is said and done. It is also about fairness in the distribution of the harvest – literally and figuratively.

Autumnal Equinox GMT

This chart as all others leading up to the Great Conjunction is of particular interest insofar as it is part of the greater cycle. Mars is extraordinarily active in this chart, in his own domicile, but retrograde. He is the Lord of the Hour, Day and in the Decan of Venus and the Term of Saturn. Jupiter is the Almuten, Falling in Capricorn. Yet Mercury in Libra is the Lord of the Ingress. Think of him as a Venusian emissary!

There is a strong reception between Venus in Leo and the Sun in Libra placing Mercury in an admirable position to act on behalf of Venusian interests. At the same time, Libra is the Fall of the Sun and the Exaltation of Saturn. Mercury is a friend os Saturn and in a fine position as mediator. Although the chart is strongly choleric, the element of Air is also strong and this places it in an agreeable relationship to the upcoming Great Conjunction in Aquarius. If cooler heads prevail, the outcome could be a positive, innovative and creative one.

However, the potential for more antagonism and chaos will need to be tempered and ultimately overcome. I believe we should all be mindful of how we react to the often overwhelming conditions as we enter the last quarter of 2020. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Moon in 20th Lunar Mansion

The Moon is in the 20th Lunar Mansion is with Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion and Watcher of the West. This reminds us that the stellar constellation is in fact Scorpio. She is in the Term of Jupiter and the Decan of Luna. This powerful presence on the Ascendant sets the tone for the chart as calculated for Greenwich.  The fallen Jupiter is the Lord if the Ascendant in the Decan of Mars but the Term of Venus. It is a demanding chart and one that brings the call for justice and balance in an otherwise very hostile field. This Mansion is intense, but not without promise.

This Mansion starts from 04 SG 17′ 09″ and ends at 17 SG 08′ 34″ The Arabic name is Al Na’am and considering Antares, the Angel is Uriel. According to Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD) the meaning: is The Ostriches. Attribution: Water and the Divine Attribute is The Life-Giver.

I leave you with this gorgeous image of “October” from Très Riches Heures du Berry’, illustrating the season of the second harvest and the simultaneous preparing of the soil for a harvest to come.

October – From Très Riches Heures du Berry’ 1416. Tilling of land and sowing seed in front of the Joli Louvre –originally a fortress it became a royal residence under Charles V.


2020 Virgo Ingress of the Sun

Musei Vaticani Caduceus

I rarely post on ingress charts other than the four cardinal Ingresses – the solstice and equinox events. Bot this is no ordinary year, by anyone’s standards and I’m there for watching the unfolding patterns that precede the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, an event that will have repercussions not only until the next Great Conjunction but also for the next two hundred years. The shift is from the  Earth to the Air Triplicity. I have elaborated on this elsewhere.

The chart is drawn up for Greenwich BST + 1. I will not, therefore, be referring to the house placements, as these will change from zone to zone I would focus on the salient dynamic of the event as they will be most relevant to the larger view. Primarily, I’m looking at the relationships of the chart as a whole to the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction and the role of Mars.

Notably, the Sun enters Virgo in the Decan and the Bounds of Mars and with Regulus (00. Vir. 06′ 21″). Mercury is in the Decan of Mercury and within the Bounds of the Sun. Mercury id the Lord of the Geniture. Mercury in Virgo is Hermes in his sign of Exaltation and Domicile.

Mars is in the decan of and the Bounds of Saturn and Decan of Venus, separating from a square to Jupiter and applying to a square with Saturn, which in turn is in the Bounds of Mars and the Decan of the Sun.

The Moon is in the 16th Lunar Mansion at 18 LI 44′ 11″ in the Tropical zodiac. The Mansion begins at 12 LI 51′ 22″ and ends at 25 LI 42′ 51″ Th Arabic name is Al Jubana, the Scorpion’s Claw. Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD) attributes this Mansion to The Sixth Heaven, the Sphere of Mercury, the Abode of ‘Isa (Jesus).

The principal stars are Zuban Elgenubi, which Claudius Ptolemy tell sus is on the nature of Saturn and Mars – and Zuben Eschemali is Jupiter and Mercury. of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury.

Most crucially, in this particular configuration, the Moon on the MC is in the Exaltation and Decan of Saturn, It is at these levels that the chart discloses a more sombre, dare I say ‘heavier’ than what a cursory reading may easily miss.

She is in the second Pada of Nakshatra Swathi – the Lord of this Nakshatra is Rahu and the Pada is that of Saturn.

The most intriguing theme is the Mars and Saturn signatures repeated throughout the geniture. This illustrates the ongoing pattern of strife we have seen throughout 2020 as we look forward to the Winter Solstice and the Great Conjunction.

We should not miss the extraordinary power of the Virgin herself. Her meaning has been horribly diminished and misunderstood, this distortion began in earnest nearly two millennia ago in the Christian West. although has survived in Paganism. Hinduism and other religious and philosophical traditions. Monica Sjoo writes:

“Ancient moon priestesses were called virgins. ‘Virgin’ meant not married, not belong to a man – a woman who was ‘one-in-herself’. The very word derives from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill; and was later applied to men: virile. Ishtar, Diana, Astarte, Isis were all called virgin, which did not refer to sexual chastity, but sexual independence. And all great culture heroes of the past…, mythic or historic, were said to be born of virgin mothers: Marduk, Gilgamesh, Buddha, Osiris, Dionysus, Genghis Khan, Jesus – they were all affirmed as sons of the Great Mother, of the Original One, their worldly power deriving from her. When the Hebrews used the word, and in the original Aramaic, it meant ‘maiden’ or ‘young woman’, with no connotations to sexual chastity. But later Christian translators could not conceive of the ‘Virgin Mary’ as a woman of independent sexuality, needless to say; they distorted the meaning into sexually pure, chaste, never touched. When Joan of Arc, with her witch coven associations, was called La Pucelle – ‘the Maiden,’ ‘the Virgin’ – the word retained some of its original pagan sense of a strong and independent woman. The Moon Goddess was worshipped in orgiastic rites, being the divinity of matriarchal women free to take as many lovers as they choose. Women could ‘surrender’ themselves to the Goddess by making love to a stranger in her temple.” (The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjoo. Harper Books.)

Ancient Akkadian cylinder seal depicting the goddess Inanna resting her foot on the back of a lion while Ninshubur stands in front of her paying obeisance, c. 2334-2154 BC (Wiki Commons.)

I believe that Sjoo has overstated the case, only insofar as she has implicitly downplayed the Mother’s necessary and obvious relationship with men in the act of procreation, but her book is decidedly within the tradition of feminist writers in the 1980s. We understand that this sensibility and means of presentation were necessary and that this by no means undermines her salient points. The power of the Virgin, as she recites, is indeed great and all to often ignored and devalued – one might even say taken for granted.

In this ingress, we see her with Regulus, of the nature of Mars and Jupiter and Guardian of the North. Due to precession, Regulus has entered Tropical Virgo.  Powerful Indian goddesses are often accompanied by Lions.

Regulus is highly auspicious. The star brings great success if revenge is avoided. This is, of course, a great challenge. Still, there is a gentleness in this powerful Heart of the Lion and it comes as no surprise that the healing Angel, Rahapel finds his place here in the North.  He is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars may, therefore, be read as Mercy and Severity, the essential symbols of the Pharaohs as rulers were the crook (heka) and the flail or flabellum (nekhakha). A good King needs to know when to use one or the other for the sake of the Kingdom. In this case, we have a wise Virgin empowered amongst many elements of discord. She meets them opposing energy that seeks healing, assisted by Venus in the Moon’s domicile of Cancer. The interplay of Masculine and feminine energies in this geniture is not to be missed.     

Recently, someone referred (not disparagingly) to my “dystopian views,” particularly in relation to The Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the New Order of the Ages – simply referred to as “New Age” by modern astrologers. For the record, my view is virtually identical to that of the late Robert Zoller, who wrote:

“The Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the New Order of the Ages, will rule through the power of life and death (Scorpio, which is on the 10th), through behaviour modification, cloning, genetic engineering, mind control and the occult. Might makes right in this New Age. If the preceding Age produced metaphysical materialists, who duped the people through the opiate of religion, the New Age will produce materialist metaphysicians who will make the preceding political power elites look like inept apprentices.

In the Age of Aquarius, religion will be humanistic love of fairness and justice. While feeding the people with Libran platitudes, the Scorpionic rulers will work tirelessly toward the realization of their goal – absolute power over others, as Leo is seen in position on the 7th house. The will of the people will be towards freedom of expression (Aquarius), and they will be encouraged to do their own thing so that they keep their minds off what their rulers do.”

Where I depart from Zoller is in my conclusions as to what the human spirit is capable of apropos of the dark prediction. My impetus in revealing the nature of the Age is not to instil a sense of despair, fear or apathy. I have refused to present a deceptively pollyanna picture of a seriously challenging time, one in which our very humanity is being undermined at every turn. The antidote to this is not blissful ignorance, but rather a fearless and realistic estimation of the forces at play. The solution is a focussed, grounded and informed consciousness.  If one has cancer, pretending it isn’t there is foolishness. Foreknowledge is power and empowers us further by affording us a chance to employ wise remedies to the ailments of the spiritual, mental and physical body and ultimately to the Earth and the web of life itself.

We live in a time of extraordinary consequence. The choices we make in the next few years may very well make the difference between thriving or perishing, not only for human beings but for all of the natural worlds in it’s myriad of dimensions.

Because this article is written as part of a series related to the march towards the Solstice, it is best read in concert with the previous entries in this series.,

Figure of the Virgin – 1440-1450 Book of Hours, the Fastolf Master, Bodleian Library, Oxford

A Vast Image Out of Spiritus Mundi

The Divine Monochord – Robert Fludd 1617

As I wrote more than once over the last year or so, this was going to be an exceedingly difficult year and we are closer now to the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on Winter Solstice 2020. This marks the nature, essence and direction for the next 20 years, with the various phases watched carefully – such as the opposition and squares that will occur during that period. There will also, of course, be a myriad of other influences that will stand in the larger framework. The events do at times seem to be genuinely apocalyptic.

Spiritus Mundi was a term used by W.B. Yeats to describe the collective Soul of the universe, containing the memories of all time. The current title is from “The Second Coming” by the poet, which also connects in important ways to an article I wrote in the Summer of 2017. The title, “Slouching towards Bethlehem,” was taken from the same poem. The themes are similar insofar as chaos and irrational action express itself, rooted in fear and anger, with global violence as a result. I will argue here, also, that awareness of the cosmic forces at play and what they are really showing us is the key to avoiding reactionary responses that lead us to an ever darker place and state of mind.

Cancer Ingress of The Sun. 20 Jun 2020. 10:43:33 pm. London, England

I would like to say that this is not a time for negativity, fear or projection. Many of the elements that we have considered essential parts of our lives have changed drastically and may appear to be beyond redemption. There is a centre to the storm and in that centre lies peace. However, the key is in understanding what we are experiencing. Terms such as “social isolation” and all that implies are quintessentially Saturn – Cold and Dry. One of the traditional names of Saturn is Fasifer, the keeper of Gate to the Fixed Stars, the final barrier, if you will.. His metal is lead which is extremely heavy and toxic. The lead used in the Roman water mains caused insanity in the population.

The Saturnine influences have been felt internationally and the greatest poison at this time is that of the mind and consciousness, even of the soul perhaps. We cannot run from Saturn, but he is far less dangerous if we understand what he’s all about. In everyday life, we may be presented with poisonous thoughts, in the form of lies, for example, but we don’t have to fall for them. We certainly don’t have to live by them.

If we turn to the Summer Solstice charts, we find that Saturn is the Almuten of the chart as well as the lord of the Ascendant. He is in one of his own domiciles in retrograde. As he slips backwards, he will be in his other domicile of Capricorn. Either way, he is strong, but perhaps a bit discombobulated. The eye is on the two social planets as they move toward the Great Conjunction. It’s a time of tumultuousness and intrigue.

Mars is the Jupiterean sign of Pisces, which thwarts much direct action. Jupiter is also in his Fall in Capricorn. We can say that for now, Mars has to do as he is bidden by the Great Malefic. Because of the natural idealism of Jupiter, it’s as if Mars is running amok, driven by a confused and misunderstood motive – is it to demonstrate for the greater good or to loot, driven by a state of chaos in which the message is scrambled in the smoke and rubble of a rebellious but incompetent urge to tear all asunder? The sextile between Jupiter and Mars is not particularly helpful in this case.

We have a relatively strong Mercury, but he’s also retrograde. He is free of the Sunbeams, in the 7th house (angular) of open enemies and the Sun in Cancer is Perigrine in the same house. Nevertheless, Mercury is Lord of the Moon in Gemini, within the North Node in Exaltation.

The Moon is in a very tight applying square to Mars. This is a shortlived transit but is also an integral part of this Cardinal chart – the influence of which will be in some effect until the Solstice.  The Moon works as an emotional impulse to Mars. That in itself is not always a bad thing, but we are mixing emotional with mental in a way that isn’t going to be graciously received. This is evident on streets around the world and in the resulting chaos and polarization in the media, including social media.

The theme of a dispossessed Mars is becoming manifest in calls for police forces around the world to be defunded. The Martian impulse is running rampant and at the same time, the Martial forces are being told to disband, to be de-funded even in very large cities with high crime rates. You will recall that Mars in the 3rd House is indicative of conflicts with brethren in this situation  That is one of the indications we might consider in the chart of a civil war.

Again, the theme of “Social Isolation” has become something of a racial Isolation, where for the greatest extent in decades racism of all stripes calls for distinguishing and separating people based on race, no matter how irrational that may be. But it isn’t about reason. This injured Mars resorts to vicious temper tantrums on a global scale, which affects the same on the other end of the polarity. Most importantly of all, nobody ever said that Mars was a wonderful ambassador unless of course, you think that napalm bombs are the greatest, most effective form of diplomacy Yet Mars is the Lord of the Geniture, the best ambassador available and perfectly mimicked by the Martian Hornets that line up to induce terror.

Venus is trine Saturn, which might have been a faint call for a gentler war among the masses is spoiled by being too little too late and both planets in retrograde motion.

The truly positive nature of this celestial map is that it calls us to step back and see what is actually going on, not only now, but always. We see Falsifer eagerly doing what he does best in such situations. How much of it is real and how much of it is hype? How could the world find itself in this extraordinary predicament – dropping the concerns of a pandemic, overnight and before its over, to gather in incendiary mobs, burning down the small businesses of the people they purport to fight while they wait for the Murder Hornets to arrive?

Sometimes it takes a sustained blow like this to force us to see the absolute madness of the status quo and the very real dangers of throwing it out before we know where we really want to go. The death of civilisation, as we know it, is miserably married to global financial ruin. All this is on the menu of the mainstream media, as is another far worse wave of the only virus to attain mythic dimensions in the collective psyche for more than a hundred years.


Stonehenge at the moment of Summer Solstice

Astrology of the Bubonic Plague

bubonic-plague-attacks-a-couple-in-rome-rome-italy12961696119-tpfil02aw-764Not long after the Vernal Equinox of 1348 King Philip VI ordered a report on the causes of the Bubonic Plague from the University of Paris Faculty of Medicine. The response came by way of an astrological explanation. If the cause was understood, a cure might be found. The Faculty pointed to a chart for 1.00 pm 20 March 1345 there was a conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the House of Aquarius. Moreover, there had been a significant Lunar Eclipse on March 18 at 9:38 pm.

There is another chart of great importance in this matter. It’s the Solar Revolution for the year that the first known strains of the Black Death made landfall in Byzantium and spread rapidly throughout the eastern Empire, killing 100,000 people a year. At this time the Empire contained the lands on the Mediterranean coast and stretched far into the heartland of Europe. The plague went as far as Denmark and Ireland, ultimately killing about half the population of Europe. The Emperor Justinian contracted the disease in Constantinople but miraculously survived.

Byzantium frequently imported large amounts of grain from Egypt. The shipments became infested with vermin, who in term carried fleas infected with the plague. It has been suggested that the Plague was a Pandemic originating in China at a time unknown. It is not certain however that it was the same strain, In light of this, our focus is on the European experience.


The Byzantine historian Procopius first reported the epidemic in AD 541 from the port of Pelusium, near Suez in Egypt (Wade, 2010). We are not given a date. The chart is set for 0°Aries at Suez, constituting a Solar Revolution.

First of all, a quick word about the symptoms of the Plague.

Plagues have been the result of various forms of Human y pestis infection, taking three main forms pneumonic, septicemic, and the notorious bubonic plagues. See Ryan KJ, Ray CG (2004). Sherris Medical Microbiology (4th ed.). pp. 484–488.

At first glance, we can see the Byzantium Chart is not good, but perhaps not bad enough to signify what we are looking at. However, we have Saturn in Martian Scorpio in Partile conjunction to the Ascendant. His dispositor is in the Eighth House of Death.

Mars is also conjunct the South Node and Almuten of the chart as well as the Ascendant, adding considerable strength to the malefics. Mars is the Killing Planet. The angles are in Fixed Signs lending more power and longevity to the influences.

Less obvious is Venus in her domicile in Taurus.  In most cases, this is a good placement for her. However, she is exactly conjunct the highly malefic Fixed Star, Algol named by the Chinese as ‘piled up corpses’ and by others as losing one’s head. as in decapitation or madness. The deaths were so numerous that the corpses were literally piled up.

You could say that Venus is a devil in disguise. She is in Hayz and Lady of the Year.  She is also Lord of the two most unfortunate houses, the Twelfth and the Sixth. Mercury is in his Fall and disposits Mars and Moon in the Eighth without benefit. However, he is in the fruitful sign of Pisces. It seems that everything is conspiring to ensure this Plague has all it needs to spread without hindrance.

The Ascendant is the only candidate for Hyleg. Being in a malefic sign and conjunct another, this is dire indeed. The humour of the chart is an airy sanguine, warm and wet. So what is promised by other elements of the chart has the advantage of the best conditions for the Plague to thrive. If it was too hot or cold and dry, it would have been arrested. The Piscean Mercury is Lord of the Eighth House, brings more wetness that only serves to spread the contagion


Let’s now consider the  Eclipse chart referred to by the astrologers from the Faculty of Medicine. The chart is for Paris, France. 18 March 1345 at 9:38 pm. There are some similarities between this and the previous chart.

The Part of Fortune is Hyleg and Conjunct Algol, as Venus had been.  She is again in Taurus and in the 7th House. She is Almuten of the chart. Saturn is the Almuten of health according to the rules set down by Omar.

The eclipse is the 6 / 12 axis denoting health and hidden enemies respectively. We know that by this time the plague had become airborne being passed from one to another on the breath. The Killing Planet is Saturn in his own domicile and dispositing Jupiter and Mars. The malefic element of Mars and Saturn are made larger by Jupiter in this case.

The eclipse would have been read as an omen

Finally, we look at the chart delivered to King Philip showing the conjunctions of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius. This is on 20 March 1345, Paris France at 1:00 pm. bp

As physicians reading the chart there are many things that would have been clear. It’s Sunday in the Hour of Mars. The Moon is in Via Combusta. Saturn is in the 7th House

Offsetting the emphasis on Air is the Leo Ascending and the Sun and Mercury in Aries.  The Hyleg is the Sun. We end up with a Choleric chart, being hot and dry, hosting the two malefics in Aquarius with Jupiter Parallel Sirius (searing heat). Again, Saturn is the Killing Planet. This happens not two days after the Lunar Eclipse. More often than not, Eclipses auger bad fortune for those under its influence.

We now have the same air considerations, but the humour is now more a raging fever being driven by the forces of air. The close proximity of the Descending Node to the Sun merely aggravates and exacerbates the situation. The force is unstoppable and all the physicians can do is try to lessen the fatalities.  The Moon represents the people. She is about to slip into the sign of her fall in Scorpio and in the Fourth House. This has among other significations, that of ancestry and the end of the matter.

The Plague in Byzantium was bubonic, but the one referred to King Philip’s physicians appears to have been pneumonic. The first is primarily spread by blood, as in flea bites and the second is carried in the air. This is at the heart of the issue with the charts comprising Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the Fixed Air sign Aquarius.

The symptoms, in either case, include boils and ultimately, several organs can be affected, including the spleen and brain. The infection, accompanied by violent fever causes immunologic breakdown, leading to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), resulting in bleeding and necrotic skin and tissue, particularly of the hands. This resembles gangrene. Historically, the disease was almost always fatal.

We can see then that the disease displays symptoms attributed to Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Richard Saunders lists these in his Astrological Judgment & Practice of Physic (esp. pp. 52 -53). When we think of fever, Mars is what comes to mind. Indeed, Saunders duly lists, adds red Cholera, Smallpox, breaking of the veins and a great deal more that applies quite specifically to the Bubonic Plague.  Less well known are the attributes of Jupiter in the study of disease. Saunders includes all “diseases of the veins and proceeding from the corruption of the blood, windiness and all putrefaction in the blood or fevers proceeding from too much abundance thereof.” (p. 50).

In the airy and Saturnine sign of Aquarius, these would be emphasized.  It would also make Mars and Jupiter * sympathetic* to Saturn in the Ficinian sense. Finally, we look at Saturn himself. The first quality is to make the disease persistent. Although victims didn’t last long and the disease wreaked havoc more or less continuously for more than a thousand years that we know of. Saunders also tells us the Saturn, if, in ill aspect with Venus, he corrupts the blood, with Jaundiesy and Melancholy (Black Bile). We have noted Venus in all three charts and in the last two she is applying to a square with Saturn. The latter also “brings Black Jaundice and a superabundance of Flegm and crude humours”  Of course this is but a sampling of the attributes. but what can be seen most clearly is how the planets work together

Astrology can still be used for prediction and diagnosis with the same accuracy as in the time of King Philip. But what was an unmitigated tragedy on an epic scale would today be read as a warning, perhaps. The Plague is still with us and surfaces every now and again. Today we have effective treatments that make it not much more serious than a bad case of the flu. This doesn’t negate the fact of the accuracy of astrology and the validity of using it to warn of epidemics. seismic activity or extreme weather.

John Dee – Arch-Conjuror

John Dee

John Dee

John Dee (1527 – 1608) was a British alchemist, geographer, mathematician, navigator, astrologer and a double-agent for Queen Elizabeth I . He was a precocious child, educated in mathematics, philosophy and the occult. He also enjoyed the patronage of Sir Philip Sydney and Lord Dudley. He was an associate of Sir Francis Bacon, who may also have played the role of spy on occasion.

Elizabeth used an insignia  for private communiques between her Court and John Dee. It was the first occasion of 007 being associated with British spies. 007The 007 was the insignia number that Elizabeth was to use for private communiques between her Court and Dee.

He studied at Cambridge and on the European mainland, where he traveled widely. He brought back many astrological instruments and gained the reputation of a sorcerer. Dee studied astrology with the celebrated Jerome Cardan from 1552.  His combined skills allowed him to give sound advice to those seeking routes to the New World and the Far East.

He helped write the first English edition of Euclid. He was student of the Neo Platonic philosophy of Marsilio Ficino and drew no distinction between mathematics, geometry and  his investigations of the Hermetic Philosophy and Angel Magick..

John Dee - The Great Siglium

John Dee – The Great Siglium

He spent almost half his life attempting to commune with angels, to learn the universal language of creation, in the hope that he might bring about the pre-apocalyptic unity of humanity. He amassed one of the largest libraries in England. His occult work, mostly published, has had an enormous influence on the Western Magical Tradition.

Dee married three times and was the father of eight children. He is best know today as the astrologer and long-term advisor to Elizabeth I about almost anything to do with statecraft. Dee died in late 1608 or early 1609, Mortlake, England.

John Dee - Magical Equipment

John Dee – Magical Equipment

Here is Dee’s chart using Porphyry houses: for July 13, 1527, 4:02 PM in: Mortlake (London) – United Kingdom.johndeechart

This gives us a chart for the Day of Saturn and Hour of Mars

The first thing to notice is that it’s 1° from a Full Moon on the Cancer – Capricorn Axis, but the Moon has already left Capricorn for Aquarius. From an astrological point of view we can’t treat this as any Full Moon because the signs are not in Opposition. Technically we call this  Waxing Gibbous, perfecting in it’s last degree. This contributes to a strong will and deep sense of purpose

Using Porphyry houses,  Pisces and Virgo are Intercepted. This could be misleading because Venus deposited by Mercury is in Cancer and in her Fall in Virgo in the Ninth House. The Ninth House is disposited by the Sun.NPG 520,Francis Bacon, Viscount St Alban,by; after John Vanderbank; Unknown artist

The Almuten is a tie between Jupiter and Saturn, but I’m taking  Jupiter to hold that position in this case.. Mars is the Lord of the Geniture due to an abundance of Accidental Dignity.

Mercury in Cancer is free from the Beams and Direct. He is with an Exalted Jupiter, Lord of the Ascendant. Jupiter is unafflicted and conjunct the very powerful Fixed Star, Canopus, the Celestial Navigator. Canopus is of the Nature of Saturn and Jupiter and perfect for those involved in the Celestial Arts and Sciences.

The Ascendant at 3°57 Sagittarius is Conjunct Antares, one of the four Royal Stars of Persia. This is also a very powerful star of the Nature of Mars and Jupiter. Unfortunately, Mars is in his domicile, but in the twelfth House of hidden enemies.  In fact his enemies are stronger that he is. ws

This is where the chart starts

to fall apart. Jupiter and  Mercury are in the house of open enemies, the MC is disposited by Venus in her Fall and there is no support from the Eleventh House. We know he was highly considered and taken care of very well by the Queen and Court, but this charts doesn’t show that. We have a man who had eight children, but his Fifth House is in an infertile house and home to Saturn, disposited by a barren Venus in her Fall..

The Sun in the Eighth can certainly be interpreted as a  spy with  powerful occult interests, but much of the chart doesn’t describe what we know about Dee.

Sir Philip Sydney

Sir Philip Sydney

If we look at the chart using Whole Signs, many things become a lot clearer. The Eighth House now have Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Considering the House is Disposited by the Moon in Saturnine Aquarius and Jupiter with Canopus, this looks a lot more like te chart of an alchemist and occultist. It is also ideal for a spy.

The previous open enemies of the Seventh House are replaced with the Par Fortuna. We still have a dignified Mars in the House of hidden enemies. He is in the Arabic Lunar Mansion of The Sting, as well as the Ascendant.

John Dee’s “Angelorum Bonorum” of Enochian angel names

John Dee’s “Angelorum Bonorum” of Enochian angel names

Saturn however moved from the Fifth to the Sixth House. This tips the balance on the subject of Children. The House is still Dispoisted by Mars but with Saturn and his Dispositor out of the picture this is much more conducive. The Sun of Course is applying to a Trine with the Ascendent, but as with the Lunar – Solar Axis, the aspect is out of Sign. The Trine is actually separating from Mars, which bodes well. Mercury is applying. The Almuten is now slightly weighted towards Saturn. To me it’s a better fit for what we know about John Dee..UnknownChild1

Finally we consider the planetary Parts as set out by Al Biruni. the Part of Venus sits just inside the Cusp of the First. Mercury is another six degrees into the House. The Ascendant is very strong and well disposed. With no major contradictions to this in the chart, we would expect a long and fairly healthy life. It gives a commanding presence.

Regarding support for the Eleventh House, perhaps we can can consider it’s Dispositor, Venus in Virgo as the Virgin Queen. This is the same in both charts.

The reader can decide for themselves which system yields the most accurate results. I prefer the Whole Sign because irt explains three very important issues in the chart – the degree and extent of occult interest and talent, to some extent his status as spy and the fact that he had eight children. I don’t see the4se in the first chart. I’m always happy to hear connstructive feedback.