Total Solar Eclipse 14 December 2020

The only total Solar Eclipse of 2020 occurs on 14 December.  It will commence at 1 p.m. local time on the west coast of Chile and end at 1:24 p.m. local time on the east coast of Argentina. The point of maximum eclipse corresponds to St Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

The tradition is clear that the potential visibility of an eclipse – that is to say whether one actually observes it or not –  is the area of influence.  If the eclipse cannot be seen in a given part of the world, then the ‘effect’ is not applicable. This eclipse is therefore of particular and primary interest as an augury for events in South America, but not elsewhere, except as a secondary of tertiary indication, involving other celestial and/or terrestrial events. For example, if we were considering an earthquake for the region, that event may well have further implications for other parts of the world. If there were to be a serious financial crisis, that too may affect other parts of the world.

According to tradition, every hour of a Solar eclipse is equal to one year of influence See for example Dorotheus of Sidon: Carmen Astrologicum. Trans. Umar al-Tabari Ed B.N. Dykes. p.62  Presumably, Dorotheus is referring to the period of the entire process of the eclipse, which in this case lasts for 3 and 1/3 hours, starting at sunrise over the Pacific Ocean and ending at sunset over the Atlantic Ocean, close to the west coast of Africa. However,  at any given point on the total eclipse path, the maximum duration for totality is just shy of 2 minutes and 10 seconds in duration.

Three and half years of influence is indeed considerable and we look to the chart for the maximum eclipse in San Carlos de Barchloche, Argentina.

It is impossible to ignore the close and applying conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which will perfect on the boreal Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.  Planetary Day ☽︎ Planetary Hour ♀︎ & Chart Almutem ♃︎.

The Moon is in the 21st Lunar Mansion, Al-Baldah. The Picatrix refers to this Mansion as Albelda and abruptly claims it to be “for destruction.” (Trans. Greer & Warnock 2010-11 p. 293) Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD) starkly refers to this Mansion as The Death-Giver.

Christopher Warnock writes of this Mansion: “It is a sign of enmity and anger, argument and conflict. It might literally signal that someone is being two-faced, saying one thing to us and doing another. If the question concerns the progress of an activity, this Mansion generally suggests a negative answer. This is the time to accept that the path we have travelled has reached its end. We are playing an end game. It is time to cut our losses.” See Lunarium.

This then is at the heart of the eclipse. Jupiter is in his House of Joy, but in his Detriment and conjunct Saturn in his own Domicile. The Moon, associated politically as the common people is eclipsing the Lord of the 6th House which is also associated with the common people, including servants. This may be one of those rare occasions when an ill wind actually does nobody any good. The Sun is further rendered weak due to the condition of Jupiter. Moreover, Jupiter’s sextile to the Part of Fortune is a weak and essentially ineffectual financial significator, particularly since the Moon squares the PF.

Mars is powerful, in Sect, in Domicile and Exalted in Capricorn, the sign of the current Conjunction. He is the Lord of the 2nd and 9th House – the purse and the judiciary. Venus in Scorpio. is Oriental and in her Detriment. This is Venus in warrior mode. She is however, with Toliman, listed as Bungula in Robson.  According to Ptolemy it is of the nature of Venus and Jupiter, which imparts beneficence, friends, refinement and a position of honor. [Robson*, p.148.] The 9th House informs the 10th, placing this robust and elegant Venus ‘close to the throne,’ as it were.

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, came into office on 10 December 2019  and this eclipse occurs only a few days after his first year in office. Argentina is facing a plethora of serious problems. According to a recent report in the Financial Times (9 September 2020):

“Covid-19 is proving a mightier opponent than difficult political factions: Argentina’s ongoing lockdown, the longest and toughest in Latin America, has failed to prevent some of the highest daily deaths from coronavirus while dealing a blow to the economy. Argentina is suffering the worst of both worlds: according to the country’s industrial union, production at 63 per cent of companies has either fallen by more than half or ceased altogether.”

The financial situation in the region will continue to be dire and heightened social unrest is indicated. This is indeed a highly significant pivot and the changes occurring in Argentina and beyond are likely to be devastating to the current status quo, for good or ill.

The government of Alberto Fernández as indicated by the 10th House eclipse configuration is under extreme pressure and is unlikely to survive.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Autumnal Equinox 2020

George Mason – The Harvest Moon Exhibited 1872. Tate Gallery

The Autumnal Equinox is one of the four Ingress charts at the core of Mundane astrological consideration. Using the Tropical zodiac, they line up to the four Cardinal points that mark the beginning of each season. The Autumn begins in the element of Air.

At this time, the night and day are of equal length in the Northern hemisphere, with the nights beginning to grow longer until they reach the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year.

Traditionally in the Celtic world, this is the beginning of the ascendancy of the Holly King and the temporary displacement of the Oak King. Today, the association with the Autumnal Equinox has been largely forgotten, but not the association of the Holly King as he revels at the Winter Solstice. The division of the year in this manner is ancient, finding precedence in the Sumerian record.

Wheel of the Year

The theme of balance, reflected in the equal night and day force presage the better-known Feast of Samhain – the Pagan New Year and the time when the veil between the worlds is said to be at its thinnest. The Autumnal Equinox is also known as Mabon: the celebration of the second of three harvests, preceded by Lammas/Lughnasadh and followed by Samhain. The cycles of this quarter are devoted to harvest and remind us that what we reap is what has been sown. This is the beginning of the time for turning inwards and evaluating on balance what matters most when all is said and done. It is also about fairness in the distribution of the harvest – literally and figuratively.

Autumnal Equinox GMT

This chart as all others leading up to the Great Conjunction is of particular interest insofar as it is part of the greater cycle. Mars is extraordinarily active in this chart, in his own domicile, but retrograde. He is the Lord of the Hour, Day and in the Decan of Venus and the Term of Saturn. Jupiter is the Almuten, Falling in Capricorn. Yet Mercury in Libra is the Lord of the Ingress. Think of him as a Venusian emissary!

There is a strong reception between Venus in Leo and the Sun in Libra placing Mercury in an admirable position to act on behalf of Venusian interests. At the same time, Libra is the Fall of the Sun and the Exaltation of Saturn. Mercury is a friend os Saturn and in a fine position as mediator. Although the chart is strongly choleric, the element of Air is also strong and this places it in an agreeable relationship to the upcoming Great Conjunction in Aquarius. If cooler heads prevail, the outcome could be a positive, innovative and creative one.

However, the potential for more antagonism and chaos will need to be tempered and ultimately overcome. I believe we should all be mindful of how we react to the often overwhelming conditions as we enter the last quarter of 2020. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Moon in 20th Lunar Mansion

The Moon is in the 20th Lunar Mansion is with Antares, the Heart of the Scorpion and Watcher of the West. This reminds us that the stellar constellation is in fact Scorpio. She is in the Term of Jupiter and the Decan of Luna. This powerful presence on the Ascendant sets the tone for the chart as calculated for Greenwich.  The fallen Jupiter is the Lord if the Ascendant in the Decan of Mars but the Term of Venus. It is a demanding chart and one that brings the call for justice and balance in an otherwise very hostile field. This Mansion is intense, but not without promise.

This Mansion starts from 04 SG 17′ 09″ and ends at 17 SG 08′ 34″ The Arabic name is Al Na’am and considering Antares, the Angel is Uriel. According to Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD) the meaning: is The Ostriches. Attribution: Water and the Divine Attribute is The Life-Giver.

I leave you with this gorgeous image of “October” from Très Riches Heures du Berry’, illustrating the season of the second harvest and the simultaneous preparing of the soil for a harvest to come.

October – From Très Riches Heures du Berry’ 1416. Tilling of land and sowing seed in front of the Joli Louvre –originally a fortress it became a royal residence under Charles V.



Shree Yantra

[This is a French translation of the original article published in English April 2, 2019.]

Le terme astrologie classique est souvent utilisé de manière assez étroite. Le fait est que nous découvrons vraiment la convergence de différentes cultures, de l’helléniste au persan et les deux à l’indien. Babylonien et égyptien. Il n’y a pas de frontière absolue entre l’un et l’autre. Cela ne veut pas dire qu’il n’y a pas de différences significatives., Mais à de nombreuses reprises, les points communs se cachent à la vue de tous.

Cela fait partie d’une série sur Jyotish en relation avec l’astrologie traditionnelle occidentale. Je soutiens depuis longtemps que nous comprenons mieux lorsque nous comprenons comment les choses se sont produites et comment la sagesse s’est transmise à travers ce qui était alors le monde connu. L’astrologie indienne, persane et hellénistique a clairement des racines communes. Je pense qu’en étudiant des éléments des écoles indiennes ou autres d’astrologie et de philosophies, nous enrichissons notre compréhension de la nôtre.

Puruṣārtha est un élément du Sanatana Dharma (hindouisme) qui peut être facilement appliqué en astrologie occidentale traditionnelle ainsi qu’en jyotish. Puruṣārtha pourrait être utilisé de manière rentable par une gamme de systèmes, certainement même au-delà de l’astrologie elle-même. Au cœur de toute l’astrologie traditionnelle, il existe différentes formes de mythes de création, qui sont assez similaires. Comprendre cela, c’est aller à la racine de l’astrologie authentique.

Le nombre quatre est largement mentionné en astrologie, comme dans d’innombrables autres contextes et la plupart. Des cultures. Les plus évidents sont les quatre saisons, les quatre éléments, les quatre directions, les quatre vents et les quatre humeurs.

L’hindouisme a créé ou reconnu un guide de vie en quatre parties, comprenant toutes les dimensions de la vie dans le Puruṣārtha. Celles-ci ont des dimensions à la fois personnelles et universelles et peuvent être très bien exprimées en référence aux divisions de l’horoscope.

Comme dans de nombreux éléments de Santana Dharma, il n’y a pas de consensus sur la question de savoir si ces piliers doivent être considérés de manière hiérarchique, mais ils constituent un système complet. Ils nous donnent quatre éléments du cercle de la vie, existant en quatre ensembles de trigones. C’est le même que le Système de maison occidentale dans cette mesure. L’astrologie hellénistique et Jyotish utilisent toutes deux le système de signe entier, nous rapprochent.

Cependant, l’élément progressif n’est pas aussi largement compris en Occident. Nous voyons comment la quatrième maison des Maisons Moksha procède à la mort le 8 et à Moksha. Au 12ème. Les trois phases sont requises et fonctionnent avec les autres Puruṣārtha. Ils confèrent également une signification aux maisons de l’horoscope. En astrologie hellénistique, il y a deux maisons chanceuses, la 11e et. Le 5 avec deux maisons maléfiques. 12 et 6. Ceci est une simplification mais sert à définir la scène. La deuxième maison est les portes de l’Hadès et la maison à l’autre extrémité de l’axe, est la maison de la mort. L’astrologie indienne est similaire mais pas identique. Je crois que l’origine de l’attribution d’une telle prudence à la 2e maison est due à un souci de matérialisme qui est rarement vu dans la plupart des régions de l’Occident moderne, mais qui est toujours au centre de la pensée indienne. L’ascétisme est célébré dans la vie des saints. Clairement, de ce point de vue, l’attachement au monde matériel est considéré comme délétère.

Les maisons 1, 5 et 9 sont les maisons du Dharma et l’élément de feu, marqué en rouge. Les maisons Artha, 2, 6 et 10 sont en terre et marquées en safran. 3,11 et 7 sont de l’air et les maisons Moksha sont 4,8 et 12, et associées aux signes de l’eau.

Pour les hindous et les bouddhistes, le dharma est l’ordre moral de l’univers et un code de vie éthique qui incarne les principes fondamentaux du droit, de la religion et du devoir qui régissent la structure sociale et, en fait, tous les rares de la vie humaine. La vision du monde hindoue affirme qu’en suivant son dharma, une personne peut finalement se libérer du cycle de la mort et de la renaissance (samsara). Écritures. Bot l’essence de vivre une vie éthique que nous partageons par tous. L’hindouisme est la religion d’un dieu avec un million de visages. Il existe des écoles dualistes et des écoles non dualistes. En dernière analyse, la compréhension est à peu près la même.

Mais surtout, cela équivaut à des principes tels que le devoir, l’honneur, la justice, les bonnes œuvres, le caractère et la vertu. Dans de nombreuses histoires de l’hindouisme, lorsqu’une personne est en difficulté, elle se tourne vers le dharma pour sortir d’une situation difficile.


Les maisons astrologiques d’Artha sont 2, 6 et 10, comme vous pouvez vous y attendre. Ceux-ci se préoccupent de ce que l’on possède, du travail et de l’espoir d’une réussite ou d’une éminence reconnue. Artha (sanskrit: अर्थ) est l’un des quatre objectifs de la vie humaine dans la philosophie indienne. Le mot est traduit par «sens, sens, but, but ou essence» selon le contexte dans lequel il est utilisé. Cela comprend les aspirations et les résultats.

Cueillette du thé dans un jardin de thé d’Assam


Donc, en fait, l’Univers est né du désir. Les maisons astrologiques sont 2, 5 et 9. Cela semblera quelque peu étranger à l’astrologue occidental, mais c’est parce que nous avons tendance à vouloir séparer le plaisir de la sagesse. Les plaisirs de Kama incluent les plaisirs de l’esprit supérieur. Si nos plaisirs nous induisent en erreur, alors le Dharma est là pour rétablir l’équilibre.

Illustration moghole au Kama Sutra


Moksha est considéré comme la libération du cycle de la mort et de la renaissance connu sous le nom de samsara.

Vivekachudamani, un texte populaire sur Moksha, le définit comme suit:

“Au-delà de la caste, de la croyance, de la famille ou de la lignée,
Ce qui est sans nom ni forme, au-delà du mérite et du démérite,
Ce qui est au-delà de l’espace, du temps et des objets sensoriels,
Vous êtes cela, Dieu lui-même; Méditez cela en vous.”

-Vivekachudamani, 8ÈME SIÈCLE AD

La première maison dans le thème natal est toujours la «Udaya Lagna» ou l’Ascendant, le signe qui monte à l’horizon oriental au moment de la naissance. Il en est de même en astrologie hellénistique. Les autres maisons suivent la séquence zodiacale et les trigons traitent chacun d’un aspect de la vie humaine. Nous avons ici le trigone de l’eau – les trois étapes de l’illumination. Il est essentiel de se rappeler que l’ensemble du système est nécessaire et que les difficultés dans une maison peuvent facilement affecter les autres signes des trigones.

Shri Vishnu & Lakshmi sur Garuda

La quatrième maison de Jyotish concerne les racines, y compris Ancestry. Tout ce qui se réfère à des liens étroits avec votre lieu d’origine relève de la domination de cette maison. Mais surtout, c’est une question de racines. Sans racines, il ne peut y avoir de fleurs.

On verra que les concepts et techniques indiens peuvent être avantageusement introduits dans pratiquement n’importe quelle forme d’astrologie, sans nuire à la forme actuellement utilisée. Cela a en fait des similitudes intrigantes avec l’astrologie hellénistique Les deux systèmes ont à leur racine la volonté d’être meilleur et de faire avancer le bien. Les œuvres de Plotin et de Philon rappellent la métaphysique hindoue. En d’autres termes, ils sont tous deux centrés dans un cadre éthique.


2020 Virgo Ingress of the Sun

Musei Vaticani Caduceus

I rarely post on ingress charts other than the four cardinal Ingresses – the solstice and equinox events. Bot this is no ordinary year, by anyone’s standards and I’m there for watching the unfolding patterns that precede the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, an event that will have repercussions not only until the next Great Conjunction but also for the next two hundred years. The shift is from the  Earth to the Air Triplicity. I have elaborated on this elsewhere.

The chart is drawn up for Greenwich BST + 1. I will not, therefore, be referring to the house placements, as these will change from zone to zone I would focus on the salient dynamic of the event as they will be most relevant to the larger view. Primarily, I’m looking at the relationships of the chart as a whole to the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction and the role of Mars.

Notably, the Sun enters Virgo in the Decan and the Bounds of Mars and with Regulus (00. Vir. 06′ 21″). Mercury is in the Decan of Mercury and within the Bounds of the Sun. Mercury id the Lord of the Geniture. Mercury in Virgo is Hermes in his sign of Exaltation and Domicile.

Mars is in the decan of and the Bounds of Saturn and Decan of Venus, separating from a square to Jupiter and applying to a square with Saturn, which in turn is in the Bounds of Mars and the Decan of the Sun.

The Moon is in the 16th Lunar Mansion at 18 LI 44′ 11″ in the Tropical zodiac. The Mansion begins at 12 LI 51′ 22″ and ends at 25 LI 42′ 51″ Th Arabic name is Al Jubana, the Scorpion’s Claw. Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD) attributes this Mansion to The Sixth Heaven, the Sphere of Mercury, the Abode of ‘Isa (Jesus).

The principal stars are Zuban Elgenubi, which Claudius Ptolemy tell sus is on the nature of Saturn and Mars – and Zuben Eschemali is Jupiter and Mercury. of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury.

Most crucially, in this particular configuration, the Moon on the MC is in the Exaltation and Decan of Saturn, It is at these levels that the chart discloses a more sombre, dare I say ‘heavier’ than what a cursory reading may easily miss.

She is in the second Pada of Nakshatra Swathi – the Lord of this Nakshatra is Rahu and the Pada is that of Saturn.

The most intriguing theme is the Mars and Saturn signatures repeated throughout the geniture. This illustrates the ongoing pattern of strife we have seen throughout 2020 as we look forward to the Winter Solstice and the Great Conjunction.

We should not miss the extraordinary power of the Virgin herself. Her meaning has been horribly diminished and misunderstood, this distortion began in earnest nearly two millennia ago in the Christian West. although has survived in Paganism. Hinduism and other religious and philosophical traditions. Monica Sjoo writes:

“Ancient moon priestesses were called virgins. ‘Virgin’ meant not married, not belong to a man – a woman who was ‘one-in-herself’. The very word derives from a Latin root meaning strength, force, skill; and was later applied to men: virile. Ishtar, Diana, Astarte, Isis were all called virgin, which did not refer to sexual chastity, but sexual independence. And all great culture heroes of the past…, mythic or historic, were said to be born of virgin mothers: Marduk, Gilgamesh, Buddha, Osiris, Dionysus, Genghis Khan, Jesus – they were all affirmed as sons of the Great Mother, of the Original One, their worldly power deriving from her. When the Hebrews used the word, and in the original Aramaic, it meant ‘maiden’ or ‘young woman’, with no connotations to sexual chastity. But later Christian translators could not conceive of the ‘Virgin Mary’ as a woman of independent sexuality, needless to say; they distorted the meaning into sexually pure, chaste, never touched. When Joan of Arc, with her witch coven associations, was called La Pucelle – ‘the Maiden,’ ‘the Virgin’ – the word retained some of its original pagan sense of a strong and independent woman. The Moon Goddess was worshipped in orgiastic rites, being the divinity of matriarchal women free to take as many lovers as they choose. Women could ‘surrender’ themselves to the Goddess by making love to a stranger in her temple.” (The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth by Monica Sjoo. Harper Books.)

Ancient Akkadian cylinder seal depicting the goddess Inanna resting her foot on the back of a lion while Ninshubur stands in front of her paying obeisance, c. 2334-2154 BC (Wiki Commons.)

I believe that Sjoo has overstated the case, only insofar as she has implicitly downplayed the Mother’s necessary and obvious relationship with men in the act of procreation, but her book is decidedly within the tradition of feminist writers in the 1980s. We understand that this sensibility and means of presentation were necessary and that this by no means undermines her salient points. The power of the Virgin, as she recites, is indeed great and all to often ignored and devalued – one might even say taken for granted.

In this ingress, we see her with Regulus, of the nature of Mars and Jupiter and Guardian of the North. Due to precession, Regulus has entered Tropical Virgo.  Powerful Indian goddesses are often accompanied by Lions.

Regulus is highly auspicious. The star brings great success if revenge is avoided. This is, of course, a great challenge. Still, there is a gentleness in this powerful Heart of the Lion and it comes as no surprise that the healing Angel, Rahapel finds his place here in the North.  He is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars may, therefore, be read as Mercy and Severity, the essential symbols of the Pharaohs as rulers were the crook (heka) and the flail or flabellum (nekhakha). A good King needs to know when to use one or the other for the sake of the Kingdom. In this case, we have a wise Virgin empowered amongst many elements of discord. She meets them opposing energy that seeks healing, assisted by Venus in the Moon’s domicile of Cancer. The interplay of Masculine and feminine energies in this geniture is not to be missed.     

Recently, someone referred (not disparagingly) to my “dystopian views,” particularly in relation to The Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the New Order of the Ages – simply referred to as “New Age” by modern astrologers. For the record, my view is virtually identical to that of the late Robert Zoller, who wrote:

“The Novus Ordo Saeculorum, the New Order of the Ages, will rule through the power of life and death (Scorpio, which is on the 10th), through behaviour modification, cloning, genetic engineering, mind control and the occult. Might makes right in this New Age. If the preceding Age produced metaphysical materialists, who duped the people through the opiate of religion, the New Age will produce materialist metaphysicians who will make the preceding political power elites look like inept apprentices.

In the Age of Aquarius, religion will be humanistic love of fairness and justice. While feeding the people with Libran platitudes, the Scorpionic rulers will work tirelessly toward the realization of their goal – absolute power over others, as Leo is seen in position on the 7th house. The will of the people will be towards freedom of expression (Aquarius), and they will be encouraged to do their own thing so that they keep their minds off what their rulers do.”

Where I depart from Zoller is in my conclusions as to what the human spirit is capable of apropos of the dark prediction. My impetus in revealing the nature of the Age is not to instil a sense of despair, fear or apathy. I have refused to present a deceptively pollyanna picture of a seriously challenging time, one in which our very humanity is being undermined at every turn. The antidote to this is not blissful ignorance, but rather a fearless and realistic estimation of the forces at play. The solution is a focussed, grounded and informed consciousness.  If one has cancer, pretending it isn’t there is foolishness. Foreknowledge is power and empowers us further by affording us a chance to employ wise remedies to the ailments of the spiritual, mental and physical body and ultimately to the Earth and the web of life itself.

We live in a time of extraordinary consequence. The choices we make in the next few years may very well make the difference between thriving or perishing, not only for human beings but for all of the natural worlds in it’s myriad of dimensions.

Because this article is written as part of a series related to the march towards the Solstice, it is best read in concert with the previous entries in this series.,

Figure of the Virgin – 1440-1450 Book of Hours, the Fastolf Master, Bodleian Library, Oxford

Musings on Comet Neowise

comet Neowise C 2020 F3 at sunset in the skies of Tourtour Provence Photo credit © Marco Migliardi

I employ the title of this piece advisedly. It consists of musings, a simple series of notes and observations on an extraordinary event. This is the brightest and most significant comet in 25 years. At that time, Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp discovered Comet Hale–Bopp separately on July 23, 1995, before it became visible to the naked eye.

Comet Hale-Bopp © 1997 Richard Wainscoat, All Rights Reserved.

The golden-white comet streaking we see across the sky in the Summer of 2020 was first discovered by a space telescope named Neowwise, hence the nomenclature. At the point of this discovery, Neowise the comet was in the zodiacal position of 29° Gemini, the last degree of the mutable air sign. We can say that this was the moment that it came into our collective consciousness, but long before it was visible to the naked eye.

When we look more closely at the light spectrum, we can see that it is gold, orange and yellow. In comet lore, these colours are associated with the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus.  As awe-inspiring or intimidating as the sight of the comet may be, this luminary and planets are not regarded as malefic in and of themselves.

By some accounts, the time of the first visibility, albeit by space telescope, is the only available moment we can read regarding an astrological interpretation.

My colleague and protégé.Pablo Ianiszewski. has posted a brilliant piece invoking the above event on his Facebook page. in Spanish, emphasizing the nodal element among other crucial elements. He notes that Neowise was:

” in conjunction with the head of the dragon, having as a dispositor Mercury, who at that time was afflicted by being a pilgrim, oriental, retrograde and burning in Cancer, in addition to being under the square of Mars. About his golden tint, the wise al-Biruni (973–1048 AD) tells us that such a colour announces “conflict between kings.”

Cynthia Thinnes, a former student of mine also published a brilliant article on her Filianist astrology blog, The Wisdom of Our Grandmothers.  The two readings use different dates as points of reference and in my view are both highly valuable contributions. I, therefore, recommend reading both articles.  I see no reason why we cannot read the passage of a comet as a story, rather than insisting on a single phase of its unfolding as its only defining moment.

To summarize, there is no doubt that 29° Gemini position and interpretation has unquestionable validity. However, the culmination and greatest visibility of the comet is found in the auspicious constellation of Ursa Major at  20°34′ Leo and is too rich in symbolism to ignore. The Great Bear is held to be of virtually singular importance among the circumpolar constellations in ancient cultures as otherwise diverse as ancient Indian, indigenous American and Indo-Europeans, since the earliest records.

Ursa Major is, in fact, the origin of the ancient swastika symbol. It is one of the most ancient symbols known to us and has been found carved on a 15,000-year-old of a bird made from a mammoth tusk. From its origin, the symbol has been meant to be positive and life-affirming. The modern name for the icon, derived from the Sanskrit svastika, means “conducive to well-being.” In fact. the swastica illustrates the constellation Ursa Major as it appears during the four seasons. Vedic writers refer to the stars as the Seven Sages

Ursa Major through the Four Seasons

The term Maharshi is a collective term that points to the seven sages or rishis referred to in the Rig Veda and the Puranas,. The nomenclature used is Saptarishi. They are clearly and adamantly associated with the seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major. There is a deeper association with creation itself and the reception of primordial wisdom from the stars.

This position is also momentous in relation to the culminating Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that will prefect at the Winter Solstice 2020. In terms of the comet augering for the fall of a great king, I believe this is much more about the demise or transformation of something on a grander scale than a single potentate. Currently, we can say that the Leo position is inconjunct Jupiter and Saturn in the latter degrees of Capricorn and that this ‘blindness’ is an eloquent metaphor of what is to come when the zodiacal point occupies the opposing axis of the monumental Grand Conjunction in Aquarius, We can read the unfolding of this story in relation to other recent events, such as the Lunar and Solar eclipses we have been following.

That something can be destructive as well as benevolent, is not at all contradictory. The seasons are a perfect case in point. The cycle of life is a story of inception to destruction, followed by resurrection. It is the dance of Shiva when expanded to the infinite cosmic point of being.


The comet, riding as it were the Great Bear, is augering doom for what has to be destroyed before a new order may come into being. It is not hard to see this regal comet as a presage of a falling order. One may recall the words “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10). These words sound harsh and patriarchal to many modern ears, but the essential meaning is clear. Humanity cannot forever defy the natural order with impunity.

The idea of a divine plan is anathema to the materialist cultures of our time.others. A new and authentic way of being can only occur universally when we recognize our extraordinary place in the universe, as both macrocosm and microcosm – creators and created.

We are in times of extraordinary consequence. What we do now will determine whether we rise or fall as a species.

The mystical T.S. Eliot put it thus: “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” (Little Gidding from Four Quartets)

New Moon in Cancer

Detail of The Moon in Cancer from the Book of Felicity (1582), an illuminated manuscript commissioned by Sultan Murad III, who ruled the empire from 1574 to 1595, its text was translated from Arabic and all its miniatures were apparently directed by the famous master Nakkaş Osman

This a simple heads up to a rather significant lunation as the Sun is about to leave Cancer. For many people, a New Moon refers to when it becomes visible again. However, with the Sun conjoining with the Moon, this is also the Dark of the Moon because it cannot be seen.

This conjunction is also referred to as a syzygy and is one of the causes of crucial consideration of the Pre-Natal syzygy, usually referred to as a Prenatal lunation or the most recent first New Moon or Full Moon prior to the nativity. The Solar and Lunar forces are mingling and setting the stage for the next lunation. So, the two states are a conjunction of the Moon with the Sun and an opposition of the same.

The Moon in Cancer is very much at home, highly reflective, intuitive and nurturing. It is also highly protective of itself, as the image of the Crab suggests. It is a good moment to explore emotional reactions.

The Moon is the Great Mother. However, she doesn’t do well when badly aspected by Mars or Saturn or indeed in their signs. The Moon is in her only domicile in Cancer and Capricorn is the sign of her detriment.  She Falls in martian Scorpio. Importantly, the opposition is precise and in Capricorn.

In a previous article, I discussed the opposition to the Capricon planets. At that time the Moon was with Jupiter and Saturn on the other end of the opposition. Here we have a new beginning.

The house placement will, of course, change depending on the location and time zone.  This chart is drawn for Greenwich. The following applies specifically to London, England. In this chart, the opposition is on the Gates of Hade’s axis. There is more than one reason that this axis is considered as unfortunate.

The primary reason is that neither house aspects the Ascendant  – the place of the life force and the means by which we navigate our lives. The second reason is likely to be because of the emphasis on the material and specifically, money, which has been associated with the “root of all evil” for millennia.  The real danger is that we may lose our way, not connected to the compass of the Ascendant, as it were. The emphasis on the material provides a further sign of how else we may lose our way.

The 8th house is also indicative of death. With both luminaries in this house and on this axis will logically cause alarm.  But Venus is in the 7th house and in the Exaltation of the accompanying Node. This is a welcome relief in an otherwise troubled chart

New Moon in Cancer. 20 Jul 2020 AD GC. 6:32:49 PM. Greenwich, England. 0w00’00. 51n29 00. BST

The syzygy is in found in the 19th Lunar Mansion. The Arabic name is Al Jabhah. The English translation is Lion’s Forehead watched over by the Angel Ardefiel. It is noteworthy that the constellation originally associated with this mansion is Leo, with the principal stars associated with this mansion being Regulus (alpha Leo), Algieba (gamma Leo), Adhafera (zeta Leo), and Al Jabhah (eta Leo).

For this reason, the use of Lunar Mansions must never lose the connection to the Sidereal zodiac, while reading the mansion in the context of the Tropical.

According to Ptolemy, the nature of Regulus is Mars and Jupiter, and the nature of Adhafera and Al Jabhah is Mercury and Saturn. Dorotheos tells us that this a good Mansion for buildings, which will last, and for partnerships, benefiting all parties.

According to Ibn ‘Arabi (1200 AD), the attribution is “The Sky of the Fixed Stars, the Sphere of the Stations, the Sun of Paradise, the Roof of Hell.” and suggests the Divine Attribute is “The Powerful.”

This lunation is a time to reflect on a dire moment without delusions and to act in accordance with noble intent. This is a place of great strength in a time of adversity.



.Portable Universal Sundial Medium: Bronze Dimensions: H. 6.4 cm; W. 6.1 cm; D. 2.5 cm 1st–4th century CE © Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford

Some form of time-keeping has been essential to humanity from the earliest times. Most fundamental to this is the recognition of seasons and the phases of the Moon. The ability to predict the occurrence associated with much larger cycles required reference to the movement of the planets and their various phases and stations. The conjunction of the superior planets. Jupiter and Saturn took on special meaning for periods of time beyond the seasons – they represent vast cycles within cycles.

The awareness of stellar cycles from a geocentric view provided knowledge of, say, the apparent rising of Sirius and the inundation of the Nile, bringing with it fertile plains for a multitude of crops. Canopus later took on a special signification in Islam.

The discovery and articulation of Saros cycles meant the ability to predict lunar and solar eclipses. It was understood that these cycles were like families or clans that revealed a cycle with both a beginning and an end. Ancient astronomer and astrologers have availed of considerations regarding an entire saros cycle when interpreting a given eclipse.

The ability to put all of these elements together meant that a skilled astronomer or astrologer could read a system of celestial indicators, offering extraordinary complexity and detail with which to judge a given time or epoch.

It isn’t likely that anyone would need to consider all celestial events at a given time. That would rather miss the point. Parapegma is useful when there is a particular focus on a pattern of events, of interest for a particular reason. Some cultures around 3,000 years ago used the Parapegma extensively and the phases of the stars were often considered more important than other considerations, except for the seasons themselves.

One of the better known Sumerian foci was on Innana, later known as Ishtar and clearly identified with the planet Venus. Knowledge of the phases of Venus introduces a plethora of important considerations, ignored by contemporary astrologers outside of the sphere of traditional practices. Later on, the tracking of the phases of the Sun, Moon and Venus was extended to include all the traditional planets.

This page will show Stellar, Lunar and Planetary Phases from the Vernal Equinox of 2020 to Vernal Equinox of 2021. displayed in showing one-month periods. This enables the understanding of the planetary, stellar and luminary cycles throughout the seasons.

All calculations are set for Greenwich Mean Time 51°N30′ 00°W10′.  Star Events include Phase Changes, True Rise/Set with Sun. Planet Events: include Sign Ingress, Stationary Points, Lunar Phases
Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, plus North-Node & South-Node.

March 2020

April 2020

May 2020

June 2020

July 2020

August 2020

September 2020

October 2020

November 2020

December 2020

January 2021

February 2021

March 2021

April 2021

May 2021

June 2021

July 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

December 2021

A useful diagram showing the Venus cycle at a glance

Full Thunder Moon : Appulse Lunar Eclipse July 04/05 2020

©Kym Mackinnon

This eclipse is not one to which I would normally pay a great deal of attention  It will be a faint Appulse Lunar Eclipse This particular Moon is dubbed the Thunder or Buck Moon. It will be (barely) visible throughout South America, North America and part of northwestern Africa.

This occurs two weeks after an annular solar eclipse. You may wish to refer to my article on that one as well.  Only 35% of the Moon will be covered by Earth’s penumbra. Below is the eclipse, with the focus on eastern North America and northern eastern South America.

I must emphasise at the outset, that the physical visibility of this eclipse is unusual and there is no known way to quantify exactly how this will affect the stamp of this event. My personal view is that the faintest is not the primary concern The facts of where the eclipse could be seen, even on a very cloudy night, is what matters most. Where the eclipse cannot be seen, its effects will be secondary or tertiary with respect to other regions of the world., 

The image below shows the areas of the eastern seaboard of the US in relation to visibility

The following image shows the place of the maximum eclipse:

This eclipse is most interesting in relation to the Cancer nation of the United Staes, not least because it unfolds on Independence Day 2020 at exactly the same degree of Cancer as is found in the chart of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The chart below shows the eclipse in relation to Washing DC at the time of the maximum eclipse.

The chart has Mars ascending in his diurnal domicile and in an applying square aspect to the luminaries  The saturnine theme we’ve seen so much of this year consists, first and foremost in this instance, with Jupiter, Saturn and Moon in the 10th house in Capricorn opposing the Cancerian Sun and Mercury. Ketu in the 9th house is sometimes  considered unfortunate and with Rahu the 3rd house indicating we have conflicts with ‘brothers.” Deriving from the concerns of the 9th house. In this case, Rahu is exalted in Gemini which accentuates the event that much more.

Mars is the Lord of the Eclipse and also the Almuten. He is in the bounds of Mars and the decanate of Jupiter.

[Lunar Eclipse 2020 Guide When, Where & How to See Them. Courtesy of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter &]

The Moon and Jupiter are in the 23rd Arabian Lunar Mansion, represented according to Ibn Arabi. The Moon’s position in the Tropical zodiac is 13 CP 29′ 37″ This Mansion starts from 12 CP 51′ 22″ and ends at 25 CP 42′ 51″

Ibn Arabi’s interpretation of the meaning of this mansion is the highly evocative nomenclature of  “The Fortune of the Swallower.” He assigns the  Divine Attribute as the Nourisher. According to H. C. Agrippa (1533 AD) it refers to (Latin) Swallowing and tell us that the significance is that it Causes divorce, freedom of captives, healing of sick. The talisman he suggests is for “destruction and wasting.” In the context of social unrest and the pandemic, financial ruin and other plagues, these attributions are remarkably apt.

Again, this article should be read as one in a series on the highly eloquent eclipses and planetary configuration of 2020



Vishnu et Lakshmi on_Shesha Naga, Lakshmi stimule le rêve de la création.

Ceci est une continuation du mysticisme astrologique dans The Surya Siddhanta. Depuis que cet article a été écrit il y a plusieurs mois, j’ai réussi à obtenir d’autres textes sur l’astrologie indienne qui ont permis d’expliquer ou de combler des lacunes apparentes. J’ai également eu la chance de rencontrer des astrologues indiens très accomplis qui étaient disposés à discuter de la façon dont les techniques indiennes pourraient être utilisées de concert avec l’astrologie hellénistique, je suis reparti avec deux techniques qui semblent être particulièrement utiles et, à ma façon de penser, ajouter dimensions indispensables.

Mon temps ici n’est pas d’approfondir aucun de ces textes mais je les mettrai à la disposition du lecteur qui souhaite une boussole plus large. Je préviendrai à l’avance que moins c’est souvent plus, en particulier lorsque l’objectif est de nature pratique. Bien sûr, en particulier lorsque l’on discute de l’astrologie indienne, la pratique et le discernement spirituel sont aussi importants que dans ses homologues hellénistique, persan, égyptien, druidique ou babylonien.

Cela ne peut servir que d’introduction la plus simple à deux techniques utilisées en astrologie indienne. Raconter toute l’histoire nécessiterait le récit et l’analyse nés de millénaires. Je présente donc cela avec la plus grande humilité dans l’espoir que cela suscitera l’intérêt d’autres praticiens de l’astrologie hellénistique.

Jyotish se traduit par «science de la lumière» et se réfère à la forme profonde et mathématiquement sophistiquée de l’astrologie originaire des premiers textes. Jyotish est aussi vénéré dans le sous-continent que l’astrologie authentique est largement sous-évaluée et même injuriée dans l’Occident moderne. Les principes essentiels de Jyotish, y compris la nomenclature de la science de la lumière, ne sembleront pas étrangers à un pratiquant de l’astrologie occidentale traditionnelle. En fait, il existe donc une chaîne ininterrompue de cette science de la lumière qui remonte à des temps très anciens.

Dans un article précédent, nous avons discuté de La Surya Siddhanta d’une date inconnue. Il était facilement disponible au 11ème et 12ème siècle après JC. La traduction la plus couramment vue est celle d’Ebeneezer Burgess, publiée en 1860 .. Cependant, il existe des preuves solides qu’il était beaucoup plus ancien, peut-être existant sous forme orale bien avant cela.

Avec une provenance incertaine, nous devons prendre ce que nous avons à ses propres conditions., Assisté par référence à d’autres travaux astronomiques indiens. La relation entre l’esprit et la matière est commune à tous, sous une forme développée, elle est pertinente pour les sciences, bien que des nomenclatures différentes puissent être adoptées. J’ai choisi d’employer le terme d’astrologie indienne parce qu’elle est pratiquée de l’Himalaya à Kanyakumari avec étonnamment peu de variance, tout bien considéré.

«Le yantra est un diagramme mystique ou astronomique utilisé comme amulette ou charme. Bénéfique pour se débarrasser de l’insuffisance, des concurrents, du ressentiment et des mauvais effets des planètes »- Neeta Singhal

Le mot védique peut être trompeur, tout comme la nomenclature de l’astrologie hindoue, car il est utilisé non seulement par les hindous, mais aussi par les sikhs, les jaïns et les musulmans. Il existe également de nombreux pratiquants de Jyotish dans le monde, mais il n’y a aucun doute sur son origine sous sa forme actuelle. Il existe également un lien indéniable avec les yogas et les dieux sont d’origine indienne à la fois védique et postérieure.

Pour des raisons qui ne sont pas entièrement claires, le mélange des cultures astrologiques au cours des millénaires n’a pas entraîné le transfert complet de certains des éléments les plus utiles de l’astrologie indienne. Peut-être que le principal d’entre eux est le système Nakshatras et une compréhension adéquate des nœuds. Les sources classiques, islamiques et européennes ont tendance à être vagues sur le sujet des nœuds et certains ne les mentionnent pas du tout. Mon amie et collègue Clelia Romano a fait un travail splendide pour sonder les opinions des nœuds et a fourni 40 lectures de cartes de personnes atteintes de maladie mentale pour montrer comment les nœuds fonctionnent. Un pdf de son site est disponible ici .

Les Nakshatras sont des divisions de la roue zodiacale par 27 qui sont ensuite subdivisées pour arriver à la signification mystique de 108. Les divisions de quatre sont appelées padas et on leur attribue des qualités planétaires. Les Nakshatras sont ancrés aux étoiles, donc on pourrait utiliser un zodiaque tropical avec des Nakshatras sidéraux. Ce n’est pas une pratique courante en Inde, car le zodiaque sidéral est généralement (mais pas entièrement) à toutes fins. ils sont Lunar Mansions et Rahu et Ketu sont également basés sur Lunar.

Ce graphique simple montre les positions de Nakshatras, montrant les seigneurs planétaires et la divinité dirigeante.

Pour l’astrologue occidental, l’utilisation d’un zodiaque sidéral pose problème. Pensez un instant que vous avez toujours su que vous étiez une personnalité ardente avec un Lion Soleil, un Ascendant Bélier et une Lune en Sagittaire. La lecture sidérale voudrait que vous soyez un Soleil Cancer, un Ascendant Poissons et une Lune Scorpion. Le changement élémentaire à lui seul est énorme, avant même d’envisager les signes. se. Nous sommes tropicaux. Notre système est basé sur les solstices et les équinoxes et le sidéral est basé sur les étoiles. Mais comme la fortune l’aurait, nous pouvons utiliser le Tropical pour les signes et les Nakshatras en même temps.

La question se pose, bien sûr, de savoir pourquoi un astrologue occidental renoncerait aux divers systèmes de 28 Lunar Mansion en faveur du modèle indien. La vérité est que les hôtels lunaires ne sont pas beaucoup utilisés en Occident, en grande partie, je pense, car ils nous fournissent très peu d’informations et même cela peut être vague. De plus, chaque version nous donne des informations différentes. La grande exception est l’utilisation de la magie astrologique et le réglage fin d’un élément particulier d’une carte ou bien en tant qu’outil de rectification de carte.

En raison de la nature du nakshatra ,. nous pouvons discerner beaucoup sur la nature du premier point de contact de l’âme avec le monde matériel, comme m’a expliqué un astrologue indien très crédible. Maintenant, bien sûr, de telles choses sont pertinentes dans une pluralité de systèmes. Mais nous ne suggérons pas réellement quelle était la nature d’une incarnation précédente ou même à venir. De l’école de théosophie est venue la confiance fanatique que l’on pourrait simplement inventer une association en utilisant uniquement les nœuds.

Il faut dire que l’idée de la réincarnation ou de la transmigration des âmes est solidement établie dans la tradition européenne de Platon aux druides, qui ont peut-être même précédé les sages indiens à ce sujet. Les brahmanes ont appelé les druides leurs cousins ​​ou frères européens. En effet, le christianisme primitif avait des partisans de la réincarnation jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient réduits au silence par l’orthodoxie. La métaphysique d’un cadre mystique existe donc déjà, mais l’astrologie traditionnelle semble éviter la question. Je suis tout à fait sûr que la raison en est l’influence et les menaces des religions abrahamiques.

Ainsi, un astrologue hellénistique ou persan pourrait utiliser Nakshatras, avec un zodiaque tropical et en fait, cela est fait par des astrologues indiens à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du sous-continent. Permettez-moi de vous donner un exemple de la façon dont cela peut être fait. Il s’agit d’un graphique calculé dans un programme hellénistique, montrant les 27 Nakshatras, les Padas et les décans chaldéens traditionnels. Il se trouve que le système Whole Sign est le plus utilisé sur le sous-continent indien. L’astrologue hellénistique n’est pas tenu d’apporter des changements essentiels au-delà de l’utilisation du Nakshatra et de la prise des nœuds aussi au sérieux que Vettius Valens.

Nous trouvons que la Lagna (Ascendant) est au 27e degré de la Balance – la Nakshatra est Vishaka, qui occupe 20-00 Balance à 3-20 ′ Scorpion. Jupiter est le Seigneur et le symbole est une arche et Indra et Agni président. Indra est l’un des plus anciens dieux du Rigveda et Agni est à la fois un dieu et du Feu. La description courte ou les caractéristiques générales: comprennent l’énergie, la force et la puissance potentielle, d’apparence brillante, bien parlées et aptes à gagner de l’argent. Le Pada est Gemini et Mercure est très heureux ici. Jupiter apporte un idéalisme moteur à cet endroit. Le personnage est décrit comme étant versé dans les Écritures. Nous dériverions donc une personne charmante et efficace, un idéaliste désireux de changement vers la justice, mais dont la santé est susceptible d’être fragile.

Parfois, le Moon Nakshatra est étudié, avec le Soleil ou tout autre point. Cependant, la Lagna semble particulièrement importante et incommensurablement plus si elle est considérée par rapport aux nœuds. L’astrologue occidental pourrait utiliser cet outil astrologique utile. Cependant, nous n’avons pas obtenu tous les avantages avant d’avoir étudié Rahu et Ketu à travers les yeux de l’astrologie indienne:.

La création de Rahu et Ketu est racontée dans le mythe de la création lui-même. L’histoire est celle d’une immortalité volée par un démon dissimulé. C’est la partie la plus pertinente de l’histoire à nos fins:

Les devas (demi-dieux) ont fait appel à Vishnu, qui a ensuite pris la forme de Mohini et en tant que belle et charmante demoiselle, Mohini a distrait les asuras, a pris l’amrita et l’a distribuée parmi les Devas, qui l’ont bu. Asura Rahu-Ketu s’est déguisé en deva et a bu du nectar. En raison de leur nature lumineuse, le dieu solaire Surya et le dieu lunaire Chandra ont remarqué le changement de côté. Ils ont informé Mohini. Mais avant que le nectar ne puisse passer sa gorge, Mohini lui a coupé la tête avec son discus divin, le Sudarshana Chakra. Mais comme le nectar était descendu dans sa gorge, il n’est pas mort. Depuis ce jour, sa tête s’appelait Rahu et son corps s’appelait Ketu. Plus tard, Rahu et Ketu sont devenus des planètes. L’histoire se termine avec les Devas rajeunis battant les asuras.

Komilla Sutton  écrit: «Rahu Ketu est le nom donné aux nœuds de la lune. Rahu est le nœud nord et Ketu est le nœud sud. Ce sont des points sur l’écliptique où la Lune est en alignement avec le Soleil et la Terre. Ils indiquent le point précis d’harmonie avec les trois influences les plus importantes de notre vie: le Soleil, la Terre et la Lune. Cette relation joue un rôle important dans le développement de la conscience individuelle. »

Les forces obscures qui gagnent des attributs divins par la tromperie sont un conte archétypal de la chute. La tentative de tuer l’Asura ne fit que le rendre plus maléfique. Il n’est pas vrai que les N | odes soient toujours maléfiques, mais elles le sont souvent et doivent être étudiées de près. Qu’ils soient ou non démoniaques n’est pas à débattre. Ils ont délibérément nommé des planètes fantômes. Ils sont secrets et pas toujours faciles à détecter.

Selon Sutton: «Rahu se comporte comme Saturne. Il traite de drogues, de poisons, de sur-ambition, de jeu de pouvoir, de connaissances cachées… L’élément de Rahu est l’air. Il traite de tous les aspects des activités aériennes liées aux voyages aériens, aux accidents aériens, à l’aviation, aux pilotes, etc. , exécution, maladies, désenchantement, etc. »


Rahu est la tête et pour notre considération immédiate, la bouche. Rahu a toujours faim et analyse. Il peut manger mais n’a pas le corps nécessaire à la digestion. Cela apporte avec lui une nature obsessionnelle. Bien sûr, il y aura toujours d’autres considérations nécessaires pour obtenir l’image complète, mais imaginez que Rahu était dans la cinquième maison. La faim perpétuelle pourrait entraîner un jeu excessif, voire incontrôlable, ou peut-être entraîner ce que l’on appelle maintenant la dépendance sexuelle. Les désirs sont hors de contrôle.

Dans la dixième maison, Rahu pourrait se manifester comme un désir insatiable de proéminence. Dans la deuxième maison, Rahu ne peut jamais avoir assez de possessions. Ce besoin n’a presque rien à voir avec la richesse. On le voit chez des collectionneurs compulsifs qui ne sont jamais rassasiés et toujours à la recherche de la prochaine pièce. Le lecteur ne sera jamais satisfait car Rahu ne peut pas digérer. Il a toujours faim et la faim est insatiable. En astrologie indienne, la 2ème maison inclut la parole comme sa province. Cela pourrait être une voix douce avec une langue parfois pointue.

Rahu dans la première maison appartient à des gens qui ne semblent pas en avoir assez d’eux-mêmes. Ils peuvent bien paraître égoïstes aux autres. Mais bien sûr, Ketu sera dans sa septième maison. Cela amène une crise dans la poursuite des relations. De toute évidence, les autres éléments du graphique affecteront la façon dont cela est exprimé.

Si nous nous référons à notre exemple de graphique, où nous avons trouvé le Nakashatra Vishaka, sur l’Ascendant, nous ajoutons maintenant Rahu à la neuvième maison, cela pourrait renverser les bonnes qualités en exagérant. La personne fictive pourrait tendre vers un certain fanatisme dans la religion et les domaines de Jupiter.

Ketu est le corps sans tête. Kee5tu peut généralement indiquer quelque chose sur ce qui s’est passé, y compris ce qui a précédé votre être physique dans cette vie. Ce que Ketu veut avant tout, c’est une libération de Moksha. Parce qu’aucune «chose» ne peut donner cela, Ketu rejette ce qui est disponible là où il est. Donc, Rahu a un appétit insatiable et Ketu est du côté opposé du spectre. Ils sont le désir et l’aversion personnifiés si vous voulez. SI cela se traduit par le rejet d’éléments négatifs, alors tout va bien. Mais si des éléments utiles sont jetés, cela pourrait être assez dévastateur.

Surtout, les «règles Ketu de Nakshatra sont Ashwini (Bélier), Magha (Lion) et Mula (Sagittaire), la triplicité du feu. Ce sont les premières étapes des cycles de vie. Mars, Soleil et Jupiter, les dirigeants du Bélier, du Lion et du Sagittaire sont amis entre eux. Ensemble, ils représentent la force, l’âme et la sagesse, Ketu a la capacité de donner dans ces domaines. Un bon mélange de ces trois planètes dans nos cartes natales nous oriente vers la recherche de Moksha, la libération finale du cycle de la vie et de la mort. » Voir Sutton, Komilla 

Ketu Dev Tail of Demon Snake

Le plus intrigant est que Mula est le plus difficile et le plus douloureux des Nakshatra parce que le travail consiste à couper toute illusion. En ce qui concerne la triplicité du feu, nous pouvons dire que le guerrier, le sage et le sol sont considérablement dynamisés par Ketu dans la quête de Moksha.

Les exemples que j’ai donnés concernent le thème natal qui est le point central de cet article. J’ai aussi longtemps utilisé les nœuds dans les graphiques mondains. Mundane a son propre ensemble de règles, mais les mêmes principes s’appliquent. J’ai remarqué un nombre très élevé de catastrophes dans lesquelles les nœuds sont au centre d’un point clé du graphique, mais même ici, il y a beaucoup d’autres éléments à considérer et l’astrologue chevronné saura quoi faire.

Résumé: J’ai essayé d’offrir une introduction et un aperçu de deux éléments interconnectés de l’astrologie indienne, que je pense qu’il serait assez facile pour la plupart des astrologues hellénistiques de les intégrer. Les Nakshatras sont ancrés dans les étoiles et le Tropica Zodiac dérive des points Solstice et Equinox. Les nœuds sont si mal documentés dans la tradition occidentale pour les rendre presque inutiles. De nombreux écrivains ne les mentionnent pas, les mentionnent en passant et se contredisent généralement. L’astrologie indienne n’a pas ce problème. De plus, l’astrologie hellénistique et indienne ont déjà beaucoup en commun. Les deux utilisent les sept planètes / luminaires et les nœuds. Les deux favorisent l’ensemble du système de signalisation. Je devrais penser que le point de désaccord le plus difficile est les zodiaques. Mais il est permis d’utiliser celui que vous connaissez.

Il y a peu de praticiens stellaires de l’astrologie indienne qui ont publié des travaux extraordinairement fins pour aider l’occidental à comprendre l’astrologie du sous-continent indien: je recommande n’importe quoi du Dr David Frawley, Light on Life de Hart Defuw & Robert Svoboda. Astrologie hindoue ancienne pour l’astrologue occidental moderne de James Braha,  The Nakshatras de Dennis M. Harness. Les nœuds lunaires: crise et rédemption. & Le Nakshatra: les étoiles au-delà du zodiaque. par Komilla Sutton.

Rahu-Rahula-forme tibétaine-

Saturn & Moloch – Spirit of the Age

Moloch at the Colosseum [via twitter]

I recently stumbled upon an article that confirmed that a large statue of Moloch had been placed at the entry to the Colosseum in Rome, best known as the site of Christians sacrificed to wild animals and gladiators for entertainment and as an admonition that Christianity was an enemy of Rome – to be shown no mercy. What is particularly curious about this story, is that the statue was put there with the apparent blessing of the Vatican.

The article states the following by way of explanation;

“Previously, the Catholic Church had made the Colosseum a sacred site to honor these first Christians martyred for their faith, even placing Stations of the Cross there for the faithful to contemplate their sacrifice. Now it’s guarded by the pagan god Molech, whose demand for child sacrifice has been compared to the modern epidemic of abortion, and the faithful are greeted with a statue honoring a pagan deity whose murderous spirit still seeks to kill children.”  (CBN News).

Once in a while, there is a story that has the power to capture the Spirit of the Age or Zeitgeist. We are living in particularly Saturnine times and with the upcoming Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Saturn’s domicile, the already ominous signs beg further analysis. Moloch is Saturn by another name. As the god of money, he emphasizes the materialism of Saturn. More grotesquely, he is known as the god who demanded child sacrifices, consumed by a furnace in his belly.

We live in a world where millions of children are sacrificed to the god of money by their labour in dark mines and backbreaking work of all kinds. Their childhoods have in effect be consumed by the worship of Moloch, aka Saturn. Moloch is without mercy. The current global economic appetite requires the poor to manufacture or mine items that they could never afford for themselves.

William Blake, The Book of Urizen, c.1794.

The image of Saturn as the one who eats his own children is usually interpreted as an allegory of time, that brings into being that which it will then devour. Chronos is time and the illusion of time keeps us enthralled by the material realm. At the speed of light, we can see that the solid, material universe is ultimately an illusion and in the words of William Blake (1757–1827), “energy is eternal delight … and Reason is the circumference of energy” Life is not something that Saturn supports with the enthusiasm of essence, but by creating a structure that often conceals what it tries to describe,

. The pedantic restrictions of Saturn are oppressive to the life force.  He is Blakes aptly named “nobodaddy.” – as in, “nobody’s daddy.”

“Glad Day” – William Blake

Blake also invented a character and named him Urizen. Blake was a cockney, so it would be pronounced as “your eyes on” of “horizon.”  The gits is that the poet urged the reader to see through and not with the eye. This is a spiritual vision. The idea of the horizon adds the added significance of limitations – especially limited vision.

Saturn is known in Vedic astrology as the “lame one.’   His metal is lead.  He sinks rather than rises. He stands for much of what early Christianity holds to be the greatest impediments to spiritual growth, such as greed, materialism, inequity, cruelty to innocence and the epitome of the Jealous god.

[Video – Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Saturn Devouring One Of His Sons, 1821-1823, 143.5 x 81.4 cm (Prado, Madrid) Speakers: Dr Beth Harris and Dr Steven Zucker. Courtesy of Khan Academy.]

This is the context in which we find this strange god placed by the Vatican to guard the Coliseum. I have no

interest in conspiracy theories surrounding this matter, but the image and context are too bold to be ignored. I’m grateful that this has caused us to look a little closer to what is happening and the revelations we now have about the choices we can make. It is all about consciousness.

Consider this succinct passage from Britannica:

“The laws given to Moses by God expressly forbade the Jews to do what was done in Egypt or in Canaan. “You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Leviticus 18:21). Yet kings such as Ahaz (2 Kings 16:3) and Manasseh (2 Kings 21:6), having been influenced by the Assyrians, are reported to have worshipped Moloch at the hilled site of Topheth, outside the walls of Jerusalem. This site flourished under Manasseh’s son King Amon but was destroyed during the reign of Josiah, the reformer. “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom, that no one might burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Moloch” (2 Kings 23:10).”

Yet Judaism is under Saturn, while Islam, for example, is under Venus. It is therefore not unreasonable to conflate Saturn with Moloch.

For our immediate purposes, the juxtaposition of Saturn and Moloch provides us with a means of assessing the nature of the astrological Saturn as well as the shadow, jealous god in the Pentateuch. The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Saturn.  Knowing this affords us a warning and presents us with some choices. We won’t be fooled by the tickling of the ear with lies about a perfect New World under one god and one leader.

I must add that this is not simply an issue of Christianity versus Moloch. All true spiritually hold a reverence for life and provide admonitions regarding the seductions of materialism. It is therefore unfair to brand Moluch as a “pagan” god. The term Paganism derives from classical Latin pāgānus “rural, rustic.” It is the route of the word peasant as a dweller of the natural world. The terms were however used as a pejorative by Christians who intended the meaning of worshipper of strange or many gods.

It is curious and tragic that nature was too often considered as “other” in the Abrahamic faiths. The Celtic tradition, for example, is nature-based, Life is affirmed and nature is seen not as something other than us, but a spiritual communion of all beings, including what civilized people mistakenly consider to be inanimate.